Some of my favorite things in life are as simple as picking out a new body wash! Ooh, I love when I get to buy a brand new kind to try out! Or maybe it was such a great kind that I have to get it again. I even get excited about new shampoo and conditioner! :) It's so fun, and I always look forward to trying it out the morning! And what could be better than a bottle of delicious smelling body wash? Well, maybe a new "poof"~ called a "net bath sponge" on the tag. I'm not exactly certain what the technical term for this item is. I got this brand before, and got a little kick out of what I read on the tag~"The world's best sponge". For $1.44? Not likely, I thought. But they were right~ it is the best kind I've used! I chose Softsoap's Coconut Body Butter this time. Has anyone ever tried their Pomegranate and Mango kind? It's heavenly! So, what simple pleasures do you love? :)

Now this award was given to me by a very kind blogger friend, well, a while, a little further back than you are probably thinking. Try late October...this literally keeps me awake some nights. That and the coffee I always drink too late at night...I don't know why, but I am such a slacker/procrastinator when I receive an award, but it always makes my day when I do. SO...let's just say, I have some serious catching up to do, so don't be surprised if I thank you for an award that YOU don't even remember giving me! Uh, yeah...
But I wanted to say thank you to The Southern Domestic Goddess for this sweet award! If you have not visited this girl's blog, oh you must! She is amazingly talented and SO funny! I am just waiting for her to write a book, which of course, I will buy because I never laugh so much as when I'm reading her blog. She writes so well! :)
Well, the rules of this award are to pass it on to five others, four of which are followers of your blog, and one of them that either is your newest follower or lives somewhere else in the world.
SO...I hereby pass this fantastic award on to:
1.) Jen at Tatertots and Jello~ my newest follower!
2.) Tracey at Tracey's Craftyscraps
3.) Jen at Candlelit Cottage
4.) Sarah at Nesting In Pleasant View
5.) Liz at Tidbits from Liz
These are such wonderful and fun blogs to visit! Make sure to stop by and say hello if you get a chance! :)
I hope your week is going well! Our kids have mid-winter break this week~ thankfully the weather has been pretty nice so they have enjoyed playing outside. Tomorrow we are going to library and out for pizza! I'm hoping to find a few books on my list. One of the ones I requested has a wait list of 99 people! I think I'm just going to buy that one...but maybe I'll find some others! The kids love getting new books, too. You should see the look we get from the librarian when we check out! :) I hope you have a good night! :)

Oh wow! Thanks Jenni, I loved doing my list!....Take care
Love Tracey xxx
Thanks Jenni -- You are so sweet. I have loved getting to know you and reading your blog!
hi jeni, iam now among your follower. thanks to tracy for leading me to you.
there's still a seat for me here, i hope. Lol.
I don't what I would do without the library. There is one across the street from the hospital I work at. I slip over there a few minutes before work and pick up a few books.
Congrats on your award and thanks so much for passing on to me!
Have you ever tried the pomagrante body soap???same brand...oh my I love it!
Soaps and lotions are so fun...I can relate!
-sandy toe
Congratulations on your award! :o)
Yes, I too like new bath goodies!
I hope that you have a nice day.
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
I also have a love for good body products. A while back I purged...I had WAAAAY too many! And I needed some more bathroom storage space for other things. Every time I do that, though, I seem to just go get more lotion and whatnot. So I need to purge again. But that makes a good excuse to something new!'s a vicious cycle:)
LOVED your Valentine's decoration from your last post too...the hearts from the chandelier is too cute! Thanks for an idea for next year:)
I'm a sucker for a great body wash...thanks for the heads up!!
Hi Jennie, I have something for you at my blog.
Love Tracey xxx
I love body wash, too! And I love how great the bathroom smells after using it~ delish!!!
Congrats on your bloggy award, too!
Jenni...yes, the metal tabletop of our Hoosier hutch pulls out. It was a horrid mint color and so we just painted it black.
I'd love to see some pictures of your Hooiser!
Hey girlie! I am the same way, i love getting new bodywashs and bubble baths and other bath products! I just got one called tahitian sunrise and it smells soooo good!
enjoy your loofa! (thats what i call it anyways! :)
I bet the coconut smells delish!
Congrats on your award!
I too love body wash, shampoo and conditioner and lip gloss. Enjoy your new stuff. I just got a new wash that is waffle cone scent and it's fun.
Hi Jenni, I have an award for YOU!
x x x
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