I hope you had a fantastic one, and are having a great weekend! My husband and I went out last night to The Old Spaghetti Factory~ love that restaurant!~ and tonight we had a little family party. We always celebrate on the actual holiday together, and just the two of us on a different night. The wait at the restaurant is too much on V-day night! :) My husband gave me a sweet homemade card with a thoughtful note, and a coupon tucked inside for the cozy robe I'd spotted at Target or a pair of pajamas~ my choice. I saw the cutest pair of pjs while we were there~ kind of crazy flannel bottoms with a blue top~ very cute, but I opted for the robe. Soft on the outside and the inside, in pink and red, it feels very Valentines-ish! Oh, I could do a filibuster on the wonders of cute and comfortable pajamas! :)
I didn't end up decorating as much as I'd hoped, but I had fun cutting out these hearts for the chandelier. I got this idea from another blog~ I think it was from The Happy Homebody...here's another picture, up close...
...and personal...
...Well, not really, but it just sounded good, especially considering it's Valentine's Day. I think that was a romantic comedy from the 90's, "Up Close and Personal", with Michelle Phieffer and an actor named George something or other...am I right? I remember it being all right, a pretty decent film. Then again, I saw it on TV and they have to filter a lot of junk out...now that was a tangent! :) But while we are on a tangent, here's another little one...
I almost didn't show you this picture because of the unfinished buffet and moulding in the background, but in the end, I just had to show you this picture of Max. Oh, I love this cat! He's my baby, since no one around here likes to be told that anymore :( ...but Max never minds! Ever since losing Lillie, I take him even less for granted. I'm open to adopting another, so we'll see...
I wanted to say (again) that I haven't forgotten you all! I have so much missed coming by your blogs this past week or two, and I will definitely be stopping by soon. I know I said that earlier this week, but it just didn't happen. This week will be different! Till then, have a good rest of your weekend, and a blessed night! :)

I love all those hearts! Your robe sounds soft and comfy! My favorite color too... red!!!
Have a great Sunday!
Those hearts hanging from your chandelier are absolutely beautiful. I'd love to do something like that next year.
Your little kitty is so cute!
Glad that you had a wonderful Valentine's Day.
I am glad you had a wonderful valentines love the chandelier it looks great!
Cute kitty!
Nice to see you!
Hi Jenni~
I adore your picture of Max! :o) I am still so sorry that Lilly never came home. That breaks my heart.
I too could type away about jammies! I don't know what it is, I just love pj's! :o) I have a possible surgery coming up (did not blog about it) and I asked my husband if I can have a new pair of jammies if I have to go through with this. He said yes - I can have 10 new pair of jammies if I have to go through with it! Augh! :o)
Your hearts are precious! I wish I would have done more this year. It is really my first year for decorations on Valentine's Day. I always do something special but have never decorated in our home. It was fun and I look forward to adding a little more next year.
Have a wonderful rest of your weekend! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
No-one around my house likes to be called "the baby" either! Cute Valentine decorating- good job! You have great ideas, thanks for sharing!
We never go out on VDay - the crowds at restaurants are just too much. Sounds like you had a lovely day!
I like the hearts hanging from your chandelier--cute!!
~ Sarah
Hi Jenni. Thanks for the 'B'. I really enjoyed doing that list!
Love Tracey xxx
Hi Jenni. Thanks for the 'B'. I really enjoyed doing that list!
Love Tracey xxx
What a wonderful kitty. (hell all cats are wonderful) :D
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