I am SO ready! We had wonderfully nice weather around these parts for the past week, until today. Now it's raining, and we've been so spoiled with the sun, it seems so dark and dreary! It has really felt like spring, but you can't guarantee there won't be more snow and ice~ last year, it snowed quite a few inches mid-April. I couldn't remember it ever doing that before! But you can never know for certain...But I am ready to put away the mittens and hats, and pull out my garden gloves! So yesterday, that is what I did. We had a little family work-party, and spent a couple of hours raking (there is a reason this is considered exercise!) and weeding...our son even cleaned and raked his little front yard "club" area! (It looks much better now!)
I even planted some spring flowers I bought at Lowe's...Ah, pansies, baby daffodils and ranunculus!
Have you ever taken a picture and later, when you looked at it, realized it didn't look very good? Well, these flowers don't look very pretty in this picture, but they actually do in real life...although they need some water, I think! They look a wee bit droopy! I'll show you a picture again when they grow a little more. :)
I am also decorating for spring inside...
And doing a lot of spring cleaning and organizing! It feels so nice to have things becoming more organized around here!
I hope you all have had a fabulous weekend, and that you have a good Monday, too! :) Until next time~

I need sunshine! It's been quite a lot milder but so dull! I was going out in the garden yesterday.....but Had to teach Stitch how to go up and down the stairs!!!!!
Tracey x x x
I am loving your flowers! I can't wait for Spring either. I need to get outside and start getting some things ready. There are a ton of leaves on the patio and in the mulch beds. But it's just been too cold.
Good for you for getting out there! We've been having warm weather (70s) and then it will jump back down to the 50s. I don't like that much..just wish it would stay one way or the other for a while so I can get rid of this cold I have.
We managed to rebuild our compost bin, dig out a new flower bed, plant about 100 bulbs and some honeysuckle plants.
pretty flowers. I love how you planted them. Your so creative!
Your flowers and your indoor decorations look so cute! I'm more than ready for spring, especially on a dreary day like this. I'm glad you had a nice weekend! Hopefully I will see you this Thursday since I had to cancel last week! (You won't believe how sick I was this weekend...long story). See you soon! :)
your house seemed to be always organized, wait till you see mine and you'll go bonk, hahaha.
I totally love the plants i the vntage washing machine! That is so fun and clever. I have enjoyed looking at your blog!
Have a great Day!
Very cute...I love all the birds and "eggs" so very sweet!
-sandy toe
Love your flowers I am so ready for spring! Love your spring decor!
Such pretty flowers in that groovy container :)
I have Spring Fever! All you different flowers look so pretty and cheerful.
You really are getting all set for Spring! I am beyond ready for springtime...so are my kiddos!!!
Happy day wishes hun~ Les
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