Okay, that was a little silly~ all right, very silly! But I really struggle with making catchy post titles... (I'm sure you know that for sure now!) :)
I recovered these chairs this weekend in ticking~ I love ticking!~ I didn't like the other fabric I first put on after painting them, and this is much, much better! :)
I always forget to take before pictures,
but this time I am saved by the fact that I have four of these chairs~ and two left to sand, paint, and recover! Isn't the "before" fabric horrid on this chair? I shudder at the sight! It sure really clashes with my yellow walls...oh, and yes, we still do not have moulding in this room. Most of the house didn't when we bought it, and what moulding there was, we had to rip out because it was terrible...
Max is a little cranky with me because I disturbed his nap by dragging this chair to this corner for a picture... Anyway, I guess this is a good enough "before" picture. I found these chairs four for $25 at a little tent sale an antique store was having, and although I didn't care for the "8" shape on the back of the chair, I liked the overall style and swooped them up! It was a good price. :) Recovering chairs with seats you can remove is one of the quickest ways to change the whole look of a chair, and it isn't hard at all! :)
I got a fun "inside" garden idea from The Pleasures of Homemaking. I removed the ivy from this teacup and planted a primrose inside of it. (You can't see the handle of the teacup in this picture...oh well, it's too late to fix it!) With my indoor ivy, I just keep it in it's little plastic pot and place that inside of whatever pretty container I'm using. But this time I actually "potted" the plant. I know it's probably bad for water drainage, but it's only for spring anyway! I love this primroses, especially in red!
Tomorrow I am going to ORGANIZE my closets! Or, at least, I am going to start. One of our bedroom closets is a walk-in that we are planning to eventually turn into a little craft room for me, hopefully this spring if all goes well...sometimes things just don't get done as quickly as we think they will! It will be a smaller project, but it requires me going through the closet and sorting through things that will be stored in other places, etc. At this point I'm just cleaning it up in there, not painting or doing anything big yet. I need to finish our dining room first. And I promise I won't forget to show you pictures! :)
I hope you are having a great week! :) Have a blessed, peaceful night! :)

I am loving those chairs. I definitely agree with you on the old fabric... yikes.
Very cute kitty!!
I love the idea of putting a plant in a teacup. Very cute!
Have fun cleaning out your closet. I actually love doing stuff like that. I always find stuff I forgot I had.
Hi Jenni,
Your chairs look great! I like ticking too! And your sweet little primrose! It makes it feel like spring really will come! :o) It looks so pretty in your teacup and saucer!
Have a nice day.
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
I love what you did with those chairs..so cute!
-sandy toe
I love the chairs and didn't even notice the "8" design on them. They look great!
The teacup is too cute as well--I'm so anxious for all the spring flowers to beging blooming! This is perfect!
Those chairs look fabulous....a definite improvement over the old fabric. Love your little primrose in the tea cup. Too CUTE!♥
The ticking looks great on those chairs and definitely is a HUGE improvement over what was on there before.
Pretty primrose, too!
~ Sarah
I love the chair the before fabric was "interesting". Love the teacup and the plant.
Good luck on the closets thats what I need to be doing!
The before fabric looks like the wallpaper in our master bath before we, very quickly and passionately, ripped it off & retextured it. I am serious....frightening isn't it? Your chairs look fab now! Oh, by the way, I love your post title! I am so glad that you "chaired" it with everyone... HA!
Very cute chairs! What a great idea to turn your closet into a craft room for you! You need the space.
Have a great day, and I'll see you soon!
Yeah for pretty books!
How about "S?"
Those chairs turned out great! You can't go wrong with ticking. Your primrose in the teacup is so cute and cheery!
Your chairs looks so great! Really cute! And I love your cute flower.
Your blog is just so cute!
The chairs are darling! I've said it before and I am saying it again, you are so talented. I am always inspired when I see your crafts and such and think wow! I can do that, but by the end of the day I am just to sleepy, lol.
I love the chairs and the subject of the post!
How did the closets go?
I have a list a mile long that needs to get done too... maybe this week right?
I love your chair makeovers! I am in love with chairs right now after finding a cute solid white wooden one at my local 'junk' store.
I love the 'new' chairs! Have fun with them.
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