I am not exaggerating here folks~ I truly did! EVERYTHING was going wrong, and just when I'd think it couldn't get any worse, it did! I wrote a post last Sunday evening, and when I hit the publish post button, it told me it had published. The problem was that when I went to my blog page, not only was that post not there, but neither were the other three most recent posts...I spent so many hours trying to figure out the problem! On Saturday, when I went to my blog, everything was gone! Somehow~ and this part we don't get~ it had been transferred to Wordpress! But my sister saved the day by switching me from publishing under a domain name to just using blogspot.com! (Thank you SO much, Christine!) Immediately, everything was back to normal! I was so happy, I could have cried! There is nothing more horrible for a blogger than to "lose" her voice! Well, maybe there are worse things, but this ranks rather high on the list anyway! There is just one problem left...if you type in "nesttokeep.com", it still takes you to the strange Wordpress blog site. Which means that if you have me listed on your blog roll, that will take you to the wrong spot, and if you are following the blog, it will not update you...I just wanted to give you all the heads up on this, that the only way you can get here is by going to "nesttokeep.blogspot.com/"...I think the second worst thing besides losing my blog, would be to lose you fantastic readers who actually take the time to stop by! :)
Anyhow, SO much has been going on this past week~ all good except this blogging situation~ but it would make WAY too long of a post to show you everything tonight! I did want to show you the idea my neighbor came up with for me to get good tomatoes this year...I was bemoaning my lack of sunshine, hence lack of tomatoes, and she suggested I put it in a wagon or something and pull the wagon where the sun is during the day...

A little red wheelbarrow works just fine...I drilled some holes in the bottom for drainage, and added what I thought was the appropriate amount of rocks...

But my husband got such a kick of this picture, and asked if that was all of the rocks I put into the wagon...he said it would take many, many more to get the effect I am looking for, but I am not redoing it, so oh well! :) I am such a beginning gardener, it is not even funny! The things I don't know about it could fill many books...

Yet I still ended up with what I wanted~ my tomato planted in a pot resting inside a wheelbarrow...Now if I would only remember to move it around wherever the sun is shining during the day as I'd planned! Oh, and I need to buy one of those wire things to support it in case the thing actually decides to grow! :)
I hope you all had a great weekend! Have a blessed night! :)
So happy you are back!!! I missed reading your posts. I sure hope your tomato plant grows for you! What a great idea to use a wheelbarrow to insure your tomato plant gets enough sunshine..
Talk to you soon!
Hurrah!!! Missed you, remeber to retrieve your award from me!
Lots of love
brilliant...your back :) you have an award from me too xxx
Oh Jenni, I'm so glad you and your sister got it all figured out!
I like the tomatoes in the wheelbarrow idea too! I have such a problem with snails over here that getting the garden "up" and out of the way is the only way they will survive! Other then massive slug kill stuff-That you have to put on once a week!!! That can't be healthy for anybody!
I am so glad that you got everything worked out. Thanks for the email because I had no clue you were having problems.
I wish you lots of luck with your tomato plant. Ours is growing like a weed and we have 8 tomatoes on it so far. I am so proud! I love the wheelbarrow idea!
So glad you got it all worked out - I don't understand how that could happen, either! The wheelbarrow idea is very cute. :) Hope you have a great rest of the week!
I'm glad your blogging days aren't over!! Computers can be so frustrating sometimes!
I'm back from Hawaii and would love to see you soon. Call me if you get a chance. :)
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