It's Max's birthday month!

Thank you Max,
for being a friend...

And for reminding us to stop and enjoy the moment...

You are there every day,

Giving us a reason to smile.

You remind us to never take ourselves too seriously...

And I'm not sure how you do it, but whenever we feel a little down, you have a way of cheering us up!

Yes, it's true Max~ we are so blessed that you are our cat!
We love you!
Your family :)
Thank you Max,
for being a friend...
And for reminding us to stop and enjoy the moment...
You are there every day,
Giving us a reason to smile.
You remind us to never take ourselves too seriously...
And I'm not sure how you do it, but whenever we feel a little down, you have a way of cheering us up!

Yes, it's true Max~ we are so blessed that you are our cat!
We love you!
Your family :)
Two years ago my friend told me that her friend's cat had had a litter of kittens...
We chose two, Max and Lillie. Sadly, Lillie disappeared last fall, but we still think of her often and miss her very much. It would be her birthday, too...

We chose two, Max and Lillie. Sadly, Lillie disappeared last fall, but we still think of her often and miss her very much. It would be her birthday, too...

P.S. I just wanted to clarify that in the sixth picture, I caught Max in a yawn. I didn't want you to think he was growling at me! :) And I thought I looked funny when I yawned...
LOL. Somewhere between when you wrote that Max cheers you up, reminding you never to take yourself seriously and the large mouth full of sharp teeth I have to admit at first I was a slightly confused as I would have taken a those sharp teeth very seriously...hehe. Good thing you clarified that he was just yawning at the end of your post, ROFL!
Happy Birthday Max!
Happy birthday Max, I thought he looked vicious in that pic too til I read on!!!!
Cats are fun! We love our Orange Juice! I think they know when to lay next to you or to do something that will take your mind off of any worries you may have.
Jenni you always write me the sweetest comments...thank you.
Something sure was up with your blog...I tried to leave comments a few times and it didn't take them.
Max is adorable...Happy Bday Max!
Max is gorgeous and looks like our Midnight, but Midnight (her looks) is still in the teen kitty stage. I always think it is funny when you catch them yawning cause it looks like they are laughing. Happy Birthday month is my birthday month too, so a great month!!!!! It is so sad that you never found Lillie. Maybe she is living somewhere with another family that loves her very much and I will wish her a happy Birthday month too!!!!♥
I love your Max pictures. They made me "happy to the max!"
I'm glad to have your new "nest" address.
I've been slow on my blogging lately due to busyness, but hopefully can get back into it soon.
Thanks for being a faithful follower!
Take care and have a great weekend!
Such cute kitties! Your blog is darling, and I love your kitchen decor, it's so bright and cheerie!
Happy Birthday Max! He is a really beautiful kitty!
So sorry about Lillie!
Hey girly! Thanks for your sweet email the other day. I'm so terribly sorry I've been a bad blog buddy. Forgive me.
I'm trying to get into the swing of things with blogging and zero down time it feels like!
You'd think with Jas being gone for almost 4 months already I'd have found my groove but no such luck sadly.
Glad your blog is up and running again chicadee!
Hugs, Les
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