I never knew how difficult it is to get a good picture of the ceiling! Well, I guess it's just not something one usually does! :) You might be wondering why I'd want to do it in the first place, but I really do have a good reason!
(A little disclaimer: there is a part of the ceiling between this room and the hallway that I am working on, so it doesn't look good there yet!) Okay, ever since we installed this chandelier last spring, I thought it would be pretty if it were accented by a ceiling medallion. I found a couple of websites that sell them, and the price range is wide. The main price difference seems to be based on size. I saw one in a picture that looked as big as our entire dining room ceiling! (For an equally massive chandelier.) Now, according to one website, you add about four to six inches to the diameter of your chandelier (or ceiling fan) when you choose the size of a medallion, so mine doesn't need to be very expensive or very big...
These are some of what I think are the best of what I found at Gallery 84...

Maybe one of these...

The shape of this medallion is rather unique~ the design is really pretty.

This next one is probably second in the running. It is affordable and similar to my favorite.

Some of them have fancier edges to them, too.

This one below reminds me of frosted cupcakes...it's kind of growing on me! But maybe that's just because I didn't eat very much for lunch! :)

But the only one that really seems like the right one is the medallion pictured below...

I love the simplicity of it. The "carvings" in it don't seem as harch, instead it looks more delicate. The down side is it is more expensive than the others. ALL of these here, including my favorite, are under $100, which seemed like a lot to me, but after looking at another site, seemed comparable in price.Which one would you choose? Would you get one you didn't like as much or put out the extra money for one you really like? (Or just keep looking?)
I am so relieved it is the weekend! I am pretty sure I say that every weekend, but well, I guess it is true every weekend! :) Hope yours is fantastic! :)

P.S. Oh, and you guessed correctly~ my next tassel IS a Valentine's Day tassel! :)
I guess it would depend on the rest of your decor as to which style. But they are all very cool!
I like every one of them so am sure this will be a hard decision to make. I can't wait to see the "after" picture so we can see which one you end up with.
You are a great decorator! I love your banners too!
I think I like the last one the best too. I always spend a little more to get exactly what I want. If I don't then later down the road I will replace it and then I've spent even more money.
Those are beautiful! I like the first one and the last one best.
I would definitely get the one you want even if it costs a bit more. You will then be happy with it and not need to replace it which in the long run costs more.
WE bought a few that are similiar when we hung our chandiliers in our new/old home((for less than $30 I think)) at The Home Depot and Lowe's has a few too. They are plastic... I think but once ya paint them nobody will be able to tell. Looking forward to seeing yours. They made a big difference in our little cottage!
I have seen those at Home Depot...not too much either. I love what they can add to a room.
Those ceiling medallions are all really cool. I think I like the 2nd one down the best. Can't wait to see what you choose!
You know as I was scrolling through the pictures I liked the one you liked! :) It is beautiful, it will look great with your chandalier. (sp?) cant wait to see it up there.
I saw the most amazing ceiling adornment instead of a medallion ( we call them ceiling roses here) use a gesso picture frame ( take the picture out of course and paint the frame shabby antique white). It truely looked fabulous.
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