The cutest little Valentine's Day mailboxes, which come in red, pink, and white. (Of course.) And I had a great idea, one I knew the kids would love. They each have their own mailbox, and my husband and I share one. From now until February 14th, we are going to sneak little notes or cards, treats, etc. into the mailboxes! It has been a big hit already, and I think it will be a tradition! I also picked up cute Valentine's socks for the kids and a little box of candy for everyone. Once a week, I am going to put something extra special inside the mailboxes, and these will be just perfect for that! All of this I found in the dollar section! :) AND I found these...
It's true I paid $7 for these crafting supplies, but it would have been a whole lot more expensive at Michaels, as much as I LOVE that store! The chipboard letters are so expensive that I have started tracing the ones I have onto white cardstock and then glittering them up. I like the look of those nice, big chipboard letters, but not the price! The ones here were just one dollar for each alphabet, so I swept them up! And this leads me to my second confession: The first craft on my list for this holiday was, you probably already guessed it~ a banner! Are you sick and tired of seeing these yet? But you know, I like me a nice banner!
I am sure you won't be surprised that this will not be my only banner...stay tuned for more. Or not, if you are thinking banners are getting a little old. :) (I really am physically able to do other crafts, but this is the top priority craft, so it gets done first around here!)
And I can't wait to read this magazine! It came a week or so ago, and I've still barely peeked at it! Does anyone else enjoy this one? The cake on the front looks SO good, I think I'm going to have to try it out! :)
So are you thinking about February 14th? What kind of traditions do you enjoy each year?
Have a blessed night! :)

Hi Jenni,
The mailbox idea is great! I am sure your kids will really enjoy that. We don't really have a tradition for Valentines. We usually just go out to eat. This year we are starting our surprise gifts. For the past 11 years we have never given each other a gift we haven't already known about. This is all going to change and I am excited about it. The only Valentine decoration I have is a really pretty candle. I think your banner is awesome!
I was thinking about Valentines last night while my daughter was sick on the couch..I love fun and festive!!! I need to stay away for the dollar section of Target!
Happy Monday!
-sandy toes
I love the metallic of the mailbox. I love Valentine's decor too!!! I have a feeling I'll be sucked in the next time I take a trip to Target! LOVE your banner!!!
Oh, I love the mailboxes!! What a sweet idea to share little notes of affection between now and the 14th of Feb. I always wanted to hang one outside each of our children's doors and just never did.
No, I do not tire of seeing your banners. They are lovely! I have never made one before (I don't know how). :o)
I like to also do sweet things for my children and husband for Valentine's Day. Little by little I am adding to the list to make it a very special day. I think I know what I will cook - a family favorite and I also have some heart shaped baking pans. It is never over the top, but fun to show my family how much I love them. :o)
Have a super day!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
I LOVE the valentine mailboxes...might have to get myself to a Target. The two closest ones are a little over an hour away...UGG! I LOVE the idea of sneaking little things into the mailboxes...what fun! CUTE banner too...great job!
What a great idea!! How fun for your kids!! I cant wait to do stuff like this with Arabella. Happy New Year!
Hi Jenni,
That mailbox is adorable! I too love Valentines. Any time pink or red is used, I'm all for it.
I want you to know that I have an award waiting for you on my blog; why don't you come by and pick it up? Have a nice evening.
I was at Target today eyeing the Valentine goodies! How much fun! I held myself back to go back later and get something. I'm not really sure why...
Love the idea of the mailbox! I need to remember this idea.
What a sweet little banner and mailboxes, too! I hope you had a wonderful New Year. :) Thank you for your sweet comments - I'm feeling 100% better!
I'm going to have to go to Target tomorrow! What a great idea.
It is so nice to meet you. I have to say that your profile and mine could be EXACT! We bought our fixer-upper in May. We gave ourselves 5 years thinking it would take that long! I love your list of things to do on the sidebar--we have a popcorn ceiling too...YUCK!!!!!
So glad you stopped by! I'm a follower now!!!!
Fun stuff! I have not thought about Valentines' Day yet...but your stuff is so cute it makes me want to mobilize! :)
Fun stuff! I have not thought about Valentines' Day yet...but your stuff is so cute it makes me want to mobilize! :)
Hi Jenni!
Isn't Target just the best? I love their dollar bins. What a cute idea you have for sending each other Valentine messages! So Cute...
I also love your banners...They will never get old! :)
Hi again!
I just noticed that you posted an image with your blog. It is so nice to see you! :o) Your children favor you! :o)
Have a nice day!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
I love V-day too and will be putting my decorations out this week. I saw those mailboxes and thought they were so cute! I didn't see the big chipboard letters though. That was a steal!
What a great idea! I may copy you. I need a good Valentine tradition.
Your banner is darling!
That is too funny, I got the same mailboxes at Target last week. They were so cute I couldn't believe they were only a dollar.
What great ideas you have! You're imagination knows no bounds! Seriously, and I am not just saying this because you are my sister. = ) Oh, and the LOVE banner is so cute.
I love your site! The banner is adorable! Love it! The little fluffy V-day guys are cute too!
Oh, I have to run to Target to see if by chance they have more of these boxes. This idea would be a hit at our house!
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