And I thought since you are being so patient with me~ I know it often takes me longer to finish things than I anticipate~ I will give you a couple other hints...
I am going to the fabric store at least by Wednesday, so I should have the completed, much better, product by the end of the week! :)
You know I've said it before~ I love to paint rooms! I love to watch how colors change the whole environment of a room. There is nothing like that first stroke of a brush, when the color is just as you imagined it would be! :) And so I'm excited to be heading on to our dining room and little breakfast area now, trying to work my way to the kitchen. The kitchen is do for quite an overhaul beginning in the next few months, so I want everything else done and ready before then!
Right now, we have a buttery yellow called "Sunglow" in the kitchen/dining room, but I am yearning for a slightly deeper yellow. I am really quite partial to Valspar paint (aka American Traditions), and love how they now have pint sized sample cans. At just over four dollars a pop, I can afford to pick a few colors to try out. (And without wondering what I am going to do with the colors I don't like.)
So I did try a few, and found I liked the paint color just one shade darker than what we have now, named "Honey Glaze". Now this might seem silly, but sometimes just doing a shade different can make a huge difference. The only thing I don't like about this color is that it's dark enough that, "for best results", I have to use tintable primer first. (Ugh!) But they tell me that I will have to paint less coats on the walls if I do. Our whole house had to be primed when we moved here because the people before us painted latex right over oil without priming first! Uh-oh! I am just glad we realized this before we painted, not after! So tomorrow I will be priming the walls and painting the first coat of the ceiling, which is going to be just a tad bit yellow. I have never done this before, but I didn't want to paint the ceiling boring old white like I always do. I mean, we don't have the popcorn ceilings in here anymore, so I can live a little dangerously! They recommended I have a pint of the yellow paint mixed into a gallon of white and see if that works. Supposedly, this will still give the effect of heightening the room without making it feel like a cave. We shall see...but I'll tell you, after painting popcorn ceilings as well as removing the popcorn from ceilings, painting a "normal" ceiling just doesn't seem so bad now! :) So I am looking forward to seeing how it all comes out!
The middle color in this sample sheet is what we have now; the one to the left of that is what I'm doing now! (I know the paper is crumpled, and doesn't look very good, but it gives you a better idea of the color!)
I will show you the room when I finish, I promise! Sometimes I have a hard time doing this because I'm embarrassed of all the other oddities of the rooms, but I'm going to push past this embarrassment and show you my progress! :)
This house sure has been an interesting experience. Sometimes it's been disappointing and more work than we thought, but lately I have been thinking how blessed we are to have a house we can call our own. It wasn't always the case. I have to be honest, though, that sometimes it has felt a little overwhelming! It's also easy to get discouraged with our progress, and to forget the way things looked before we moved here! When I look at old pictures, I'm almost horrified at how it used to be, and SO glad it's feeling like a real home. :)
Well, I hope you have a good night!

I am looking forward to seeing the outcome of your dining room. The yellow you picked is very pretty. In our old house we chose yellow for our kitchen and it was so pretty. I think you did a great thing with buying a fixer upper. There are so many "could be beautiful" houses out there. No one seems to care about those anymore. Have fun painting!
Can't wait to see the project you are working on. The ribbon is fun!
Looking forward to seeing the finished result of your painting. We just finished doing our bathroom and now that it is done, we are having "color remorse" thinking that we need to go a shade lighter.
OH..well, I love that ribbon so I can't wait to see what you are doing over there!
It's amazing what a simple can of paint can do!
-sandy toe
Hi Jenni,
I am sorry that your crafting did not turn out quite as planned. Your ribbons are cute! I am stumped as to what you are creating. :o)
Your warm paint color choice will look so happy in your kitchen. I am saving for a new paint for mine too. I started off with a "colder" yellow tone (my first time painting with yellow) and want to use a "warmer" tone, like I have in my living room.
I can't wait to see your mission accomplished! :o)
I hope that you have a nice day.
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
Love that ribbon!! Could you come paint my place next? I hate painting!
I can't wait to see your craft project...I'm a "tweeker" too...never quite satisfied until it's just right.
I love the yellow I can't wait to see the end results.
Hey there toots! I love to paint too..and for some reason..I always start painting right around this time every year. I am doing our bedroom right now..and you wont believe it but I am going with a creamy fun color. It is a Valspar color too that I had mixed for the first time in isnt' covering my blue walls sooo well. I heard it was a good brand (lowes)...glad to hear it from you. I love your ribbons.......yummmmy colors. cherry
Those ribbons are so pretty--you have me intrigued! :)
~ Sarah
I LOVE to change up things every now and then. Can't wait to see how the new color looks...good luck and have fun!
Hi Jenni,
That ribbon is sweet! I love yellow too. Just wanted you to know I've tagged you. Have good day.
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