And I don't know why, but when I get home from spending some time with friends, I have SO much energy! I'm kind of buzzed right now, but not from drinking anything but Diet Pepsi...which of course considering I practically inhaled three tall glasses of the stuff could account for some of the "buzz" of energy I am feeling right now. But I really believe it's also from being around someone who cares about you, and knows you. You can relax, be yourself. And boy, was I. I moaned and groaned about things that were making me feel cranky, and then it's like I left it all there at the table. And poof! I am a new person. Well, not really. If only it were that easy. But I do feel way better now. This is one of the precious gifts of friendship. Thanks, Amy! :)
Okay, you know how I was "done" with the tassel I finished last night? Well, I was organizing my ribbon today and found some cute pink ribbon that just happened to go perfectly with my tassel, so I added it. I wanted to show you a better picture of it anyway...
I know I showed you essentially the same tassel last night, but gee, ain't it "purdy" with the pink ribbon on it now? Okay, and there is something you need to know about me and crafts. If I am able to do one even somewhat successfully, it is cause for celebration. I'm like a mama with her baby~ "See this picture when..." and "Look at it here!" My husband teases me just with all the pictures I take of a single item sometimes~ "Oh no, I think it blinked." He cracks me up every time he says it...
Oh, and I bought a new kind of coffee tonight at the grocery store. I just made myself a cup, even though I really don't need it after all that soda. Even though I'm guaranteed to get absolutely no sleep at all tonight. But as a fool returns to his folly, so go I. But oh, a cup of hot coffee after dinner is so irresistible! :)
Tully's is somewhat of a local brand. They have coffee shops in Washington and some other nearby states, and their coffee is good. Even their drip coffee is delicious, mild enough that you don't have to add their entire container of cream to tone it down! :) This flavor roast is unique, a little different, but good. :)
Well, I hope you are all doing well tonight! It's so close to the weekend now. Am I the only one who feels like this week was really L-O-N-G ?!? Tomorrow's my youngest daughter's birthday, and we're gearing up for a big ol' celebration or two. One in her classroom and one with our family. It will be a great day, and she is feeling SO much better now, so she will be able to really enjoy it. :) I haven't forgotten to give you all the link to the tassel tutorial I used, but once again it's too late and time to call it a night! I will remember next time, I promise! :)

I love the pink that you added to your tassel. I am so glad that you had a great time with your friend Amy. It is nice to have friends like that.
That is exactly the way I feel about my sister. After spending time with her, I just feel "refreshed."
The tassel looks great-you have inspired me!
I am glad you had such a good time with your friend. I love the tassel I need one of those...
I hope your daughter has a great birthday!
You write so well I love reading your blog.
Your tassel is really good.
This week went super fast for me, now onto a busy weekend. Hope yours goes well.
Hope you got some sleep after that cup of java! funny
You're so right...internal makeovers are the BEST. Sounds like Amy is a jewel.
And I love the pink in your tassel!
The tassel is so CUTE...I love are so talented!!!
Good friends are very glad you had a great night!!
Enjoy your weekend!!
Thank you so much for your kind words! I feel the exact same way about you. No matter how I am feeling when we meet for dinner, I always go home in such a great mood. You cheer me up and make me laugh A LOT! Can't wait for next Thursday!!!
The tassel looks even cuter now, by the way!:)
Sorry, I'm not sure why my last comment ended up as anonymous.
I feel like that too after spending time with my girl friends. So fun!
That tassel looks so great!!
That's so cute! I think I'll try a gingham bow on the one I just remade.
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