You are not going to believe this! Or maybe you are, but even I, who had a terribly bad feeling about this from the get go, could not have imagined such a scenario as this! Let me explain...about two months ago our son came home from school in dire need of a fish or two. Their class had been studying goldfish, and now that that was over, the teachers were trying to find homes for the many fish they'd been keeping in the classroom. I wasn't sure about fish and cats under the same roof, but "Junior" really wanted them. At first, Max was visibly jealous of these fish and then just very curious. We were keeping them on the garden window in the kitchen, for lack of another inspired area for them...but I got talked into putting them on Junior's dresser...wasn't too keen on the idea because we just replaced the flooring in his room and it isn't too water-tolerant...Fast forward to last night...we were literally just about to sit down to dinner when our son yelled from his bedroom that our cat had tipped the fishbowl over! Yes, you did read correctly~ Max finally went and did it, but we still aren't sure quite how. But when our son walked into his room, there was Max and unfortunately, there were the, uh, expired goldfish on his floor! Oh, horror of horrors! Imagine one gallon of water on his floor, too, while you're at it! His very nice big rug (that can't be washed) soaked, water everywhere...even under most of his furniture. Our son and youngest daughter sobbing (both really unhappy with Max, who had wisely scurried out of the room) and our middle daughter in the hallway, just staring in shock.
We were trying to show our sympathy while furiously wiping up the water from his floor. Now this probably sounds insensitive, but this is laminate flooring and if it gets wet, it swells up and is pretty much kapoot! Our son loves animals, and he really loved those fish. He was so sad! :( That was really hard on him seeing his fish on the floor, and I must admit, it was not a pretty sight! Now we just have to figure out how to have fish with a very determined cat! What to do?
Oh, no! I'm sorry your little boy is upset about the fish, poor thing. Well, I don't know if there is answer to a determined cat! We have a cat & have had several goldfish that didn't make it. The only thing I can think of is if your son can keep his door shut all the time, but that's not really practical, I know! Hope you have a wonderful day! :)
Oh, I feel so bad for the kids!
But I personally think it's impossible to have a determined cat and a fish in the same house unless the fish is in a big covered tank! When I had a cat and a fish the fish went missing one day and the cat had a smile on his face~!
I do hope the floor didn't get ruined.
Oh NOOOOOO! Cats are definitely determined and can get just about any where. I know the kids are totally upset....I feel so bad for them. Did the floor get ruined? I'm not sure how you would be able to clean up and keep that much water from seeping under the laminate and swelling it up.
I am so sorry Jenni! If you are interested in adopting more little fish, there are small tanks that have lids. We have never had luck with keeping goldfish or hamsters. Especially with cats. Our's are just too curious.
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
Poor sweetie..how sad..my daughter's crab died and we had a funeral and buried it! They get so attached to things....going to get some more fish?
-sandy toes
Oh wow, I have no idea what to tell you, but I am sorry for your son! Poor fishies too!
Oh no. That sounds like a fiasco! Holy moly girl!
Hoping the kiddos heal o.k. from this. I have no ideas on a cat proof fish tank. Hmmm....
Nope, fresh out of ideas...
Hugs, Les
Oh my word!!! Your poor little boy and the fish, I feel for it too.:) Hopefully you can figure out how to have a cat and fish live peacefully. Good luck with your floor hope it's not ruined.
I don't want to sound mean but I am laughing so hard....that was bound to happen. When they are older, what memories they will have. Sure hope you floor forgets!
Oh no! Poor little boy! How sad!
I love your advent wreath!
Oh no! What a sad thing for your son to see and to have happen. Poor thing! I hope that your floor is okay.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving comment. I enjoy meeeting new friends.
Have a great weekend.
I have enjoyed browsing your blog. I had to laugh when I ran across your no bake cookies recipe. It has always been a family favorite at our home and I have the recipe posted on my blog as well.
Merry Christmas!
Your poor kids! They have been through so much with their pets! :(
I hope you can think of a way to get him another fish, but I'm not sure how you'd prevent Max from doing that again.
Oh I hope your son is doing ok how are the floors? Cats what can you do our broke Noah stocking holder just the other day.
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