But anyhow...my sweetheart is feeling much, MUCH better now!
And look what he brought home today to say "thank you" for taking care of him! Isn't that thoughtful?! At first I thought these were lilies, but they are actually French tulips. I never even knew there were such a thing as French tulips, but now I do. Wow, he's not only thoughtful, he's even expanding my horizons! I know one more thing than I did yesterday! :)
Today the kids and I met my parents for lunch at IHOP. The kids were so excited to eat there, you would have thought I was taking them to Disney World. For them, IHOP means breakfast...sugary pancakes and hot chocolate. I kind of relax on the healthy, nutritious routine when we eat out and let 'em choose their favorites! The kids were on a true sugar high, but they went straightaway to Nona and Grandpa's house from the restaurant, so I am thinking I lucked out this time...uh, sorry Mom and Dad. I hope you both still have both your hearing and your sanity left! :)
So what's a girl to do with a little extra time on her hands in a shopping center with no kids in tow? Well...either head home or shop! So I went into Marshall's to peek at their home decor stuff...
I found this darling yellow plate for just $2.99 and it looks very contented here on the hoosier, don't you think? I also bought two blue and one pink of these polka-dotted plates for the girls' room. I have a thing for plates, and have decided they belong in every room! It is just not as fun to have them stored away in a cabinet! :)
I started collecting this above pattern last spring when it arrived at Marshall's, but haven't seen this pattern in quite a while there. This will be just perfect for cake! :) And since it was also just three bucks, I couldn't pass it up!
A quick trip into Michaels and here was this sweet moss bunny waiting for me, on sale for $2.39! He insisted I buy him and bring him home with me, so I did of course!
And yes, I completely succumbed to peer pressure and bought two of these darling moss bunnies on a stick! I stuck it inside my plant of ivy and tied a bow around it. But then I tried a different bow...
Which one do you like better? I can't decide...
This bunny might look real, but don't take a bite just yet! He just looks real. I removed the ribbon he came with and used the same pink and brown ribbon on him, too.
I tried placing a candle holder upside down over him as a make-do cloche, but I am not so sure it's working...
...Saw this idea on The Happy Homebody's blog, and had to copy her with the moss and eggs in an apothecary jar!
More moss and eggs, can't have enough of those! :)
And birds, too, of course! I just love these sweet little salt and pepper shakers! I have had them for quite a while now, so you have probably seen them before! :)
So here are some of my Easter decorations, and I have other decorating to show you soon! I hope you are all well, and having a wonderful week! :)

P.S. I haven't had it with YOU, I just thought this would be a funny way to end this little post! :)
Jenni,.... I think your blog is very sweet. i enjoyed the reading. I hope you don't mind but I might be popping back in here and there to see what your up to. Blessings and Happy Easter ... Jaime
Jenni, hope hubby is well again, thanks for kind wishes for Amy. x
I love all your things, especially the bunnies on sticks, with both ribbons!
Happy Easter
Love Tracey x x x
as i had said before, you had an eye for beauty and know how to make a simple item look interesting!
your house is very ready for easter celebration. have fun!
I'm glad everyone is feeling better!! Hope you found my comment on the picture frame mouldiing.
All of your Easter decorations look just adorable. I bought a bunny on a stick too. I love how you used yours. I think I like the wide ribbon...but they both look nice!!
Enjoy your free time and be sure and relax!!
I love all of your Easter decorations love the plates how great.
Glad your hubsand is feeling better!
Your decorations look very nice! Like I told another blog friend...I slacked this year. Didn't get my easter tree up or anything. I just have one bunny-under-cloche and that's it.
All your decorations look so pretty. Wasn't that nice of hubby to get you those tulips. Glad he is feeling better. Looks like you definitely scored on your shopping trip...woohoo!!!!
I'm glad your husband is feeling better--your tulips are so pretty! :)
I love your Easter decorations. I need to get some of those impaled bunnies from Pier One before Easter is over!!
I am thinking that the little brown bunny under a candleholder looks a wee bit trapped...but I love the eggs/moss in apothecary jars.
~ Sarah
I think my favorite thing of all your treasures is that darling yellow plate! Some much-needed Spring cheer!!
Sorry to hear that your husband was sick. I am glad that he is feeling better.
IHOP is sooo good!
Love all of your Easter decorations!
I love IHOP and I love those green eggs...they look beautiful with the moss and bow!
Happy Spring!!!!
Hi Jenni,
I'm glad your husband it better. I so know what you mean about having a hard time blogging with him being sick. My husband just got Portland Oregon as his main office but the company is not moving us to he is in a hotel Mon-Fri EVERY week-It's been this way for a couple of months now and my blogging has suffered!
I'm glad you got a chance to get out and have breakfast and do a little shopping-I love the moss bunny! so cute!
Have a blessed Easter,
Such cute stuff...I love it all!
sandy toe
I'm a plate girl too. Hope you had a nice Easter Sunday!
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